Texas truck-parts company closing local office | Business | nny360.com
The town of Pamelia watertower near the intersection of NY-37 and US-78. Watertown Daily Times
WATERTOWN — A truck-parts company is closing its local office as part of a consolidation of the upstate New York market.
FleetPride will close its office at 22672 Murrock Circle in Pamelia on Oct. 31, a company official confirmed.
Four employees in the Watertown office will be impacted by the closure, but “it’s still in the works” whether they will stay with the company at other locations, said an employee who refused to give his name.
Last week, customers with the company, a nationwide chain that sells a wide range of heavy-duty truck and trailer parts with locations in 45 states, were notified in an email about the consolidation.
“This will allow us to continue offering the heavy duty expertise you have come to value at a new location,” the email said.
Customers will continue to be served by FleetPride’s offices in Syracuse, Marcy and Plattsburgh, according to the email.
As the result of the consolidation, the company will be able to increase inventory across upstate New York by combining locations and resources, the email said.
When asked the reason for the changes, the employee referred the question to company corporate offices in Arlington, Texas, before declining further comment and hanging up.
FleetPride operated an office in Watertown for many years after it acquired another company in the location.
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